Because Scientology is a relatively young religion, most Scientologists have non-Scientologist relatives. The Church encourages and helps its members to have excellent family relationships, whether or not their relatives are Scientologists. In fact, relationships between a Scientologist and the rest of his family routinely improve after one begins practicing Scientology because one has acquired the means to increase communication and resolve any problems that might have previously existed.
The Church goes to great lengths to reconcile family differences should a problem arise. For example, Scientology Chaplains will assist family members to work together to discover the real cause of their disagreements. Friends and family of Scientologists are always welcome to visit the Church, to meet other Scientologists and to have any questions they may have about Scientology answered. Regardless of whether the other family members choose to become Scientologists or not, Scientologists take deep pride in their record of resolving family problems and conflicts.